Tips on Roofing Manufacturer Warranties

The recipient of a AS in business marketing from Westchester Community College, Ana Docoito-Nelson is an experienced property manager who has served Gramatan Management, Inc., since 2008. Ana Docoito-Nelson’s areas of competence encompass project management, particularly capital improvements such as roof replacements.

Roofing materials manufacturers provide a warranty which covers the roofing materials. Most manufacturer warranties do not cover the cost of roof replacement workmanship (labor), unless the owner upgrades the basic warranty. Also, manufacturer warranty coverage is prorated, which means the coverage value falls over time. These warranties periods are typically 25 or 30 years.

Maintaining the validity of a warranty requires careful attention to the certification and registration processes. It’s crucial that a roof owner work with a contractor that is certified through the roofing material manufacturer and authorized to offer the specific warranty that they seek. Without this authorization, their warranty may be invalid.

To prevent their roof warranty from being nullified, roof owners should also submit their warranty registration to the manufacturer as soon as they have it. While basic warranties often require customer registration, enhanced warranties necessitate the credentialing of the contractor who installs the product and completes the warranty registration on the owner’s behalf. Neglecting these steps could leave the owner without the coverage they